God and Religion


Hate, God and Religion

Where does hate come from?  If you are a person who believes in one of the three major religions, you would have to say God and religion are responsible for hate.  Why?  This is because what is written in the scriptures which are the basis of these religious doctrines.

Where did hate begin?  According to Genesis, hate started when God placed enmity between the woman’s seed and the serpent’s seed.  I guess all the people who don’t hate snakes must be from the serpents seed.  But that’s another discussion.

Genesis 3:15 says: “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.”  Now you will get all kinds of commentary on what this scripture means.  What the various commentaries fails to address is why God would put hate in anyone?  Doesn’t the scriptures say God is not the author of confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33)?

There are other puzzling things in the scriptures that baffle the understanding of the average person who has not been blinded by faith.  The question I always had growing up is why does evil exist?  As I grew older and began to study the “Word of God”, I learned that God created it! 

Isaiah 45:7 reads, “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.”  God created evil?  I thought that was the “Devil’s” job?  Who are we really worshipping?

The whole point in the matter is that the “God” we have been taught to believe in is the same God that is responsible for all the negativity in the world.  All the hate is a product of the hate He put in man.  All the evil is a product of the evil He created!

We have never really sat down and evaluated with an open mind the God we say we worship.  We have been taught to accept this “God” with blind faith and belief.  We have be taught not to question this “God”, even though God should be able to answer any mortal questions we could possibly think of.  We are speaking of a being with infinite knowledge and wisdom.  This being knows my question is for the purpose of understanding Him better.  Why would questioning God be remotely offensive, especially when God knows my intentions?  It is not God that fears the questions; it’s the men who sit in the seats of authority that fear questions that have no answers to.

I hope as you read this it opens your mind to the ridiculous man-made concept called “God”.  God did not make man in His image.  Man mad God in his image.  This is why God has so many human attributes.  If one says these who attributes are merely the best way to describe God, that person has limited God.  That is to say that God can’t explain Himself in terms that fit Him and man can understand.

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